Monday, September 12, 2016

New videos - Flying to TIvat and back to Moscow

My first officer was very young. His experience on B737 was close to nothing, he had just finished the transition course. And all his pre-B737 experience was equal to the CPL course, which in Russia requires only 150 hrs.

Nevertheless, I liked his work.

Ok, click to get the videos and pictures.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

One more dull inflight video

It was an ILS approach at Domodedovo. The First Officer was the flying pilot.

The air over DME is rare calm, though I cannot say that conditions are very often as terrible as to make flying totally uncomfortable for a flight crew. It was a usual, or, 'standard' approach at RWY 32R, with winds, gusts and a light windshear over the trees.

Enjoy and